The current semester has been loaded with important events and news, but I would like to talk about one that catches my attention, the complaints of harassment within the church.

The current processes have been an important blow to the trust in the church, it was well known that some Chilean ecclesiastical authorities exercised both sexual and power abuses, and certainly the visit of Pope Francisco marked a before and after in this problem.

He showed a father totally oblivious to the events, but willing to listen to the victims 
and reformulate the Chilean church, establishing concrete measures, with important changes, such as the dismissal of Obispo Barros. 

But the repercussions have not only been for the clergy, but they have also questioned Catholics, our religious ideologies and to remain part of the church.

At the University of Chile, it is not such an important topic of discussion, in general the fact of being Catholic is respected, but during this year, the personal reasons for continuing to be involved in the church have been questioned, and It is very understandable against the facts that have been known in recent months.
(In other university institutions if there has been a powerful topic of discussion, for example in the PUC, which is a Catholic university, with professors and officials who are part of the national clergy).

There are still many changes to be made, authorities that must be removed from their positions, in addition to applying real sanctions, not only in the ecclesial, but also in the civil. But the current events are the starting point for a "reformulation" of the plans of the national Church. A church willing to listen and not to cover up, a church that must regain confidence.


  1. I agree with your post this week, the Catholic religion has to be what it was before, a religion transparent and in which one could trust

  2. Good post, is terrible how sexual violence appears in all areas and places of this horrible country.

  3. I agree with you Yasni, the reformulation of the church is urgent. There are missing hearts that really know what it means to be a church


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