A photograph and its story

As I said in previous publications, I am a Catholic, and what I am going to talk about has a small relationship with that.
In the image, we are my brothers (only the man is my blood brother, the girls are my best friends, but they are more than that, they are the sisters I choose) and me.
The photo was taken for the pilgrimage of the Andes in 2017, the fourth for me, but the first for my brothers, that is the importance it has.
In mid-August, I suggested that they accompany me on these 27 kilometers of walking, a tradition for me, that I wanted them to live, so that they would understand my love for her. By the way, they are Catholics, but the idea of ​​traveling those kilometers, under the sun, for a whole day, was not very pleasant for them. After much insistence I convinced them!
Natalia, who is the youngest, was terrified, hates walking, and did not think she was capable, and that is why the image is so important to me. It may sound strange, but on that walk, we all learned something great, and that is that you can achieve what you set out to do, no matter how tired you are, obstacles do not matter, but with the support of family and personal motivation, EVERYTHING is possible . The Nati finished the walk very happy, with a faith more alive than ever, and eager to return. Today you are already thinking about the 2018 pilgrimage.


  1. 27 kilometers !! I can not even picture it, it is such a long journy.

  2. I have also walked the 27 km !!!
    The last part is the worst (hurts everything) jajajjaja

  3. 27 Kilometers, is incredible! is a beautiful experience.


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