Why I study odontology?

As I had told you before in my previous post, since I was little girl I really like nature, medicine, biology and handicrafts. And I totally hated mathematics, but against all odds I wanted to be an astronaut.

Then I started to really think about what I wanted to do with my life, I thought about entering the PDI, especially homicide departmend, but I hate problems with my back which completely excluded me from the institution.
The two previous years to enter the university, were a constant search on what to do in the future, but I completely love the career of dentistry, because it concerned medicine, contact with people and manual skills. 
At the time of presenting the application, only I wanted dentistry.
At this moment I am in the second year of the career in the University of Chile, and I hope that In the future study the Postgraduate in Dental Care of Patients that requires Special Attention. I am happy with what I study, it has been the best decision that I have taken, the university It's everything and more than I expected, for something is the best university in the country.
In my professional life I hope I can help children with special needs and limited resources, that are not taken care of in the right way  nowadays.


  1. I also wanted to enter the PDI but i liked Odontology <3

  2. Wow, now I can understand why you like your career
    but you have much ahead with your postgrade and those things. Success for you!


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